Similar words: time signature, signature, key signature, signature tune, signature card, digital signature, genuine signature, countersignature.
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1) The specimen signature cards for the new authorized signatory ( ies ) are enclosed for your file.
2) Signature should be same as specimen signature on Credit Card.
3) This signature must agree with specimen signature filed with the Bank.
4) Signature should correspond with specimen signature of your debit card application form.
5) Signature should correspond with specimen signature of your credit card application form.
6) Signature should correspond to specimen signature on record for the Designated Account.
7) This signature will also act as a specimen signature for future correspondences.
8) This signature should correspond with the specimen signature of card application form.
9) Signature should correspond with specimen signature on the back of the Credit Card.
10) Signature should correspond to the specimen signature on record at the Bank for the Designated Account.
11) Production is based on specimen signature of clients, it's using TC Scan,[ signature.html] centre processing.
12) Complete and fill in the relevant details and sign the Specimen Signature of the Authorised Person.
More similar words: time signature, signature, key signature, signature tune, signature card, digital signature, genuine signature, countersignature, authorized signature, specimen, turn signal, consignation, signatory, designate, ensign, designator, designated, designative, assignation, designation, resignation, special time, natural structure, designated driver, designated hitter, nature, consignment, by nature, in nature, denature.